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Feb 10, 2020

Ted Bundy: Imagination Of A Porn Addict

Unless you live under a rock, most are familiar with the horrific story of Ted Bundy. Even 30 years later there has been well chronicled blogs, movies and books behind the life of Bundy. Til this day there is a large portion of America that is still heavily traumatized of the events that followed. However,While most people have become all too familiar with the necrophilic, phycopathic, muderous killing sprees of Bundy, there is one fatality in the life of Bundy that media has not given much attenion to, and may very well be the number one factor in his horror story, that is his heavy addiction to pornography.

Hell on Wheels: The Sordid History of Ted Bundy's VW Beetle ...
The Volkswagon of Ted Bundy is held at the National Museum Of Crime And Punishment in Washington

Theodore Robert Bundy, like most serial killers, had a fairly difficult upbringing. Birthed out of wedlock by his mother Eleanor Louise Cowell, Ted was taken in and raised by grandparents as a way of avoiding the social stigma of being birthed out of wedlock at the time. This was mainly due to his heavy religious upbringing within the methodist church, in which he attended every sunday. Bundy saw frequent abuse in the home by his grandfather towards his grandmother, other familiar relatives and even neihborhood pets. Despite being a shy loner as a child, Bundy became increasingly charismatic entering adulthood. With a promising future ahead of him, he attended multiple colleges while striving for a number of different career paths, one notably being a sudent of law. Known notoriously for his charm, Bundy seemed to have been able to get any woman he pleased, jumping in and out of relationships with women who would never think twice about his sadistic counter personality. It was during this phase of dating that Bundy’s desire and aggression for blood became unbearable, and eventually, uncontrollable.

Bundy Killing Spree

Bundy’s earliest documented homicides were committed in 1974 when he was just 27 years old. By his own admission, he had mastered the necessary skills—in the era before dna profiling to leave minimal incriminating forensic evidence at the crime scene. In this year,unable to detain the imaginations he held for so long, Bundy entered into the home of 18 year old Karen Sparks while she was sleeping, beating her to with a metal post from her bed leaving her uncounciouss for 10 days only to wake up with permanent physical injuries inside and out. This led  to a long stretched series of missing women. Bundy began preying on women moving from state to state using multiple disguises such as fake wigs, professional clothing  and even just his witting charm to entice his victims into unpopulated areas. As multiple women became missing at a frequent rate of 1-2 per month, witnesses traced one common denominator to Ted Bundy being seen around or having some type of familaraity with the victims. While Bundy evaded convictions multiple times, he was eventually caught while fleeing a patrol car, where they then found multiple weapons and disguises he used to carry out his crimes. The nature of the Bundy murders were so horrifc and morbid, that going into detail would turn this into a rated-x post, so I will reasonably suggest diving into such matters at your own risk. However, what I will inform readers is that there was a hell bent pattern to majority of the women murdered that includes torture, rape, necrophilia, and sodomy.

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Some of the parafanelia found inside Bundy’s vehicle after a patrol stop and search include: face mask, screw drivers, rope, gloves, hundcuffs and flashlights

Opening The Door Of Pornography-The Final Interview

Gal 5:19 Now the works of the flesh are evident: sexual immorality, impurity, sensuality, idolatry, sorcery, enmity, strife, jealousy, fits of anger, rivalries, dissensions, divisions, envy, drunkenness, orgies, and things like these. I warn you, as I warned you before, that those who do such things will not inherit the kingdom of God.

Amongst the case of Bundys victimes, all were women and almost all were sexually abused. While Bundy was a sadistic sociopath, this was not a typical case of crazed sexual predator. Mainstream media has ignored what I believe to be the most meaningful eveidence behind the mind of such killings, and that is pornography. This admission comes from the crazed murder himself. After being sentenced to the electric chair for his crimes, Bundy recieved hundreds of request for a final interview in which was ultimately granted to James Dobson, founder of Focus On The Family. During his final interview in what became an emotional outlet for Bundy in his final moments, Bundy stated:

“I was essentially a normal person, I had good friends, I led a normal life except for this one small but very potent, very destructive segment of it that I kept very secret and very close to myself and I didn’t let anybody know about it(porn),” he said. Bundy then goes on to say, “…like an addiction, you keep craving something harder, which gives you a greater sense of excitement, until you reach a point where the pornography only goes so far.” James the interviewer concludes on the interview, ”Pornography . . . was the fuel for his fantasies to do the things he did,” said James Dobson, who videotaped his interview. ”There was a great deal of remorse. He wept several times while talking to me. He`s going through a lot of agony tonight.”

This striking confession provides a small glimps of the unatural effects pornography has on the pshyce. This is extremely important because it is this side of the spectrum media covers all too often. This should be to no surprise due to the revitalization of sexual revolution that is springing up in the 21st century. For years now mainstream media has pushed for a sexual liberterianism that has put America on the verge of cultural collapse. As most know, the sexual objectifying of men and especially women, has been a selling point for some time now. This is not random. Though money is a heavy motivating factor(the porn industry is a billion dollar industry today), the main objective has and always will be the reshaping of morality.

Today, the education system is one of the major influencers of the sexualization of the youth, teaching kids as young as 4 about sex and masturbation, promoting homosexuality and gender transition, and condoning abortion. This handpicked road map for a new sexual revolution has cause all “elite” media conglamorates to turn a blind eye to the role pornography has played in society. Contrary to “mainstream” opinion, porn has been rooted in the mind of violent criminals for ages and like Bundys’ case, have cause tons to step over the line. In the same interview to no surprise Bundy goes on to say,

“I’ve lived in prison for a long time now and I’ve met a lot of men who were motivated to commit violence just like me and without exception, every one of them was deeply involved with pornography. Without question, without exception, deeply influenced and consumed by addiction to pornography.”

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Ted Bundy conducting his final interview before death via electric chair

Years of analytical data shows that the viewing of porn increases violent behavior amongst other issues. Some states such as South Dakota has even legally declared porn as a health crisis. Porn has become one of the most severe addictions in the U.S on par with gambling and alchohol. With the free distribution and online presence of pornographic material, it is estimated that over 30 percent of children are exposed to porn before they even hit puberty, according to The National Center On Sex Exploitation. Let that sink in for a minute.

Image result for pornography statistics

The Spiritual Reprocussion Of Pornography

1 Corinthians 6:15 Do you not know that your bodies are members of Christ himself? Shall I then take the members of Christ and unite them with a prostitute? Never! 16 Do you not know that he who unites himself with a prostitute is one with her in body? For it is said, “The two will become one flesh.” 17 But whoever is united with the Lord is one with him in spirit. 18 Flee from sexual immorality. All other sins a person commits are outside the body, but whoever sins sexually, sins against their own body. 19 Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; 20 you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies.

While the world may be telling you is is perfectly fine to view and enjoy pornography take into consideration the testimony of Ted Bundy and even the countless research material conducted on its harmful effects. Aside from the detriment of the viewer, majority of the industries performers are themselves victim of human trafficing, kidnapping, and even parental abuse. This author begs and pleads with you to consider the stability of your love life, mental health, and physical consequences of partaking is such material. The reason the harmful effects are so dire, almost to the point it seems unreal, is because viewing any illicit material is a condition of your heart. It takes hold in the spirit before any physical manifestation occurs. Any unhealthy perversion of the sex act has the ability to open you up to all sorts of spiritual bondage, such as soul ties with another person, depression or even demonic oppression. As a matter of fact, the bible perfectly sums up the nature, purpose and consequence of sexual activity.

  • Mark 10:6 But from the beginning of creation, God made them male and female. 7 For this reason shall a man leave his father and mother, and be joined to his wife. 8 And the two shall be one flesh, so they are no longer two, but one flesh.
  • Heb 13:4 Marraige should be kept by all, and the marraige bed undefiled, for God will judge the adultere and all sexually immoral.
  • Matt 5:28 But I tell you anyone who looks lustfully at a women has already commited adulutry with her in his heart.
  • 1Thes 4:3-5It is Gods will that you should be sanctified: that you should avoid sexual immorality; that each of you shoud learn to control your own body in a way that is holy and honorable, not in passionate lust like the pagans, who do not know God.
  • Rev 21:8 But the fearful,and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolators, and all liars, shall have their place in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.

Some readers may question why I chose to point to the bible as the compass for truth regarding the subject. It is because this author believes the standard of love is greater than the frailties and failures of man. We look at great examples of it, admire it, and yet fail everyday at showing a perfect display of it. Therefore, a perfect love has to be found outside of a creation that is unable to obtain perfect, and this is what I believe to be God. God is the author and originator of all forms of love, including intimacy between partners.

There was a natural design in place that still to this day has beautiful physical and spiritual ramifications when done in its sacred context. But what society wont tell you is this context. Reading from top to bottom, God commands that sex is to be done between a man and a woman only in the context of marriage between said husband and wife. We then read that all lust of the eyes(porn) is spiritual adultery regardless of physical contact.

The ultimate cause for the rebellion of purity is that you do not know God, just as the pagans, ultimately that God’s judgement will remain on all who are sexually immoral. Whats more alarming is the allusion to spiritual soul ties when we see above…..”Do you not know that he who unites himself with a prostitute is one with her in body?”…. I myself have watched pornographic material in the past as most men and know exactly what many feel in its addictive calling. If you are struggling with porn today first you need to realize that you are in bondage(no pun intended) and there is much at stake if you chose to continue in that path. Thankfully, there is a way out, and all it takes is repenting(stop watching), asking for forgiveness and asking Jesus Christ to come in and break the chains that are tying you to sin. Most importantly it is our duty to prevent any illicit material from tampering with the healthy growth of the next generation, starting in your own homes.

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