Home » Planned Parenthood- Origins, Genocide, And Racism

Planned Parenthood- Origins, Genocide, And Racism

by kevinshrop

Black Americans make up for almost 40% of all abortions performed despite only being comprised of 13% of the U.S. population. –cdc.gov

Planned parenthood has gained huge popularity over the years becoming one of the largest and fastest-growing non-profit organizations in the U.S. With a boast of over 600 health centers across the United States, Planned Parenthood is one of the largest providers of women health care, sex education, and technological reproductive research. While that may seem good on the surface, the practice of abortion has been the only practice that’s become completely synonymous with the word Planned Parenthood.

Through the guise of feminism and women’s rights, LGBT equality, and sexual freedom, Planned Parenthood has been firmly planted in greater and lesser communities as a heroic entity. But at what price? In the midst of the new wave of ideology, philosophy, and moral overture, very few have come to realize the danger of supporting what I label as the criminal organization.

Planned Parenthood has not only become a fixture but a force also. In order for one to fully realize what is at stake here, one has to truly understand what exactly Planned Parenthood is. As we examine the origins, ideology, and criminal practices of Planned Parenthood, it is this author’s greatest hope that those who are in favor of it will stand convicted and those against it will foster a deeper burn for retaliation.

Image result for margaret sanger kkk
Margaret Sanger speaking at a KKK rally

Margeret Sanger-Origins Of Planned Parenthood

Though many have become familiar with the name planned parenthood, very few are aware of its founder, Margeret Sanger. Sanger became most popular for her leadership role in birth control activism, even popularizing the term birth control.

The prominence of Margeret Sanger and her effect in America cannot be diminished. Although not popular in history books, she alone has set an entire nation into a different course morally. Sanger was a jack of many trades occupying fields as a writer, nurse, birth control activist, and sex educator. However, most of her legacy is tied to her work on setting up modern-day abortion and birth control laws of today. What’s important to note is that Sanger’s growing passion for “feminism” is what catapulted her extreme views concerning birth control.

Through separate life experiences, Sanger decided to open the very first birth control clinic in 1916 as a way to provide contraception to women. Because this was still outlawed at the time, 9 days later Sanger was jailed on a 500$ set bond. This followed by a few more arrests for continued practice, kindled activism all around the U.S which garnered thousand in donations for future battles. Sanger was able to garner fund donations from the like of Ford, Mellon, and Rockefeller foundations, which should give a hint at how influential she was becoming a the time.

However extreme in her views, it was obvious that the disguise of “freedom” was initiated and carried out by an American population that waited for the chains of morality to be broken anyways. And the more it grew, the more blatant it became of what the heart and spirit behind such movement really were.

Image result for margaret sanger

The Negro Project

Like many eugenicists, Sanger believed that some races were unfit to reproduce children for the betterment of society. Dictionary.com defines eugenics as this:

the study of or belief in the possibility of improving the qualities of the human species or a human population, especially by such means as discouraging reproduction by persons having genetic defects or presumed to have inheritable undesirable traits (negative eugenics) or encouraging reproduction by persons presumed to have inheritable desirable traits (positive eugenics).

This mindset culminated with the Planned Parenthood Negro Project, an attempt to drastically cut down the number of African families giving birth. Though many claim Sanger was only looking out for the best interest of black families by trying to reduce poverty and welfare further examination of her very own words clearly points out that she more so aimed for the eradication of black families all together. Here are a few quotes:

The mass of Negroes, particularly in the South, still breed carelessly and disastrously, with the result that the increase among Negroes, even more than among whites, is from that portion of the population least intelligent and fit, and least able to rear their children properly.

The ministers [sic] work is also important and also he should be trained, perhaps by the Federation as to our ideals and the goal that we hope to reach. We don’t want the word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population. And the minister is the man who can straighten out that idea if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members. (“Letter from Margaret Sanger to Dr. C.J. Gamble, December 10, 1939,” Smith Libraries exhibits, accessed August 12, 2016,

The most serious evil of our times is that of encouraging the bringing into the world of large families. The most immoral practice of the day is breeding too many children…”

“Apply a stern and rigid policy of sterilization and segregation to that grade of population whose progeny is tainted, or whose inheritance is such that objectionable traits may be transmitted to offspring.”

Margret alined with racism while speaking at KKK events and leading the charge for the segregation of races. In tactics similar to guerilla warfare Sanger began infiltrating from withing, disguising her ideals within the very same negro population she wants to eradicate. This was done by not only planting centers in black communities but using men of color with voices and platforms to convince them of her ideals. as stated above Sanger goes on record stating, “The ministers [sic] work is also important and also, he should be trained, perhaps by the Federation as to our ideals and the goal that we hope to reach. “We don’t want the word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population. And the minister is the man who can straighten out that idea if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members.”

Planned Parenthoods Corruption

Though Sanger has died some time ago her spirit still thrives through currently planned parenthood facilities. Despite half a billion of hard-working taxpayer dollars being funneled to the organization every year, this hasn’t stopped them from abusing funds and furthermore committing the most egregious acts known to man.

Year after year Planned Parenthood is caught up in some type of disgusting scandal, many of which the media hides from the public in order to keep their artificially manipulative fassad. Here are just a few prime examples of what really goes on behind the scenes and the spirit that truly lives within such an organization.

Planned Parenthood caught secretly accepting donations to abort African American babies

Pro-life advocacy group Live Action has been heavily involved in exposing this evil practice. During a sting operation, video evidence was recorded of planned parenthood staff taking money from blatantly racist donors who specifically wanted to see the death of African American babies.

Planned Parenthood Caught Covering Up Rape And Child Abuse

Planned Parenthood was caught and secretly recorded covering up the rape of a 13-year-old girl. The operation sting performed by Live Action group found this cover-up extended over 8 Planned Parenthood facilities.

Planned Parenthood Teaches Pornography And Disturbing Sexual Behavior To Young Children And Teens

Through official(government-funded classes) and unofficial outlets, Planned Parenthood has become one of the most brazen catalysts for perverting and sexualizing children for many generations to come.

“Undercover footage shows a counselor at Planned Parenthood of Indiana and Kentucky advising a young girl on dangerous and questionable sexual practices. The clinician explicitly promotes bondage, domination, and Sado-masochism (BDSM), coaches the minor on how to engage in violent and harmful acts — whipping, bondage, and “dominatrix stuff” — and advises her to watch pornography online. After graphically revealing her own personal sexual preferences, the Planned Parenthood staffer encourages the girl to inflict pain on her sexual partner, who is also underage.” -Live-Action

Abortion Media Assault

Many times, has this site mentioned what I call the elite agenda. A term that refers to a list of trends of ideologies formed within the most powerful men and women in the world, who in turn uses this power and influence to transform and shape the minds of the masses into their image. By now you know that abortion is a popular agenda of the elite for some years now. There is no mainstream media outlet that has avoided its corruption, and if you know who owns all major media influence then you know why.

Abortion Has Infiltrated The Music Industry

Miley Cyrus has been a pawn of the music industry for years. Here she is pictured grotesquely licking a cake with the words abortion is healthcare.

It has infiltrated Movies and TV

The Sick, Twisted Messages in "Chilling Adventures of Sabrina"
In the popular Netflix series Sabrina, as the then virgin Sabrina prepares for a wedding with Satan, she says the statement, “why does he get to decided what to do with my body” a subtle reference to abortion while connecting satanism to female empowerment.

Abortion Has Infiltrated Politicians

Despite being a black man Obama chooses to ignore the racist origin of Planned Parenthood becoming the first president to address Planned Parenthood.

A Call To Stand Up And Fight

Gen1:27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.

For years there has been a vicious ongoing campaign for the killing of the unborn, and the destruction of bodily purity. Pop culture has indeed ramped up its craftiness in normalizing genocide. With buzz words such as “fetus” and “women rights” it would be easy for most to mis categorize just what is going on in our society today.

The fact is, not only is the murder of innocent lives being committed every day, but that murder is intentional murder. No matter how far we seem to come, with every year comes another reminder that our step forward requires two steps back. We want justice for double homicides committed against a pregnant mother but yet that same mother is allowed to freely kill that same child herself with no consequences. We demand and applaud success within our child’s schools but yet those same schools are applauding sexually destructive paths taught in planned parenthood-sponsored sex education teaching. There is a fight to be waged on both sides. If we are to protect and invest in love, hope, true justice, and holy responsibility then there isn’t a day to rest in comfortability and quietness. Make your voice heard now before the time comes when there is nothing you can do anymore.

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