The ongoing theme of the indoctrination of children has been ongoing since the start of this website. As time goes on it is of course the agenda of Hollywood, and the entertainment industry is becoming more blatant. With that being said, Disney has taken Satanic indoctrination to new heights with its newly released movie, The Descendants 2. Disney has been a major topic on this site because of how it aims to push a certain set of ideals specifically on children. Rebellion, witchcraft and the occult is not just the center of attention but is now more than ever forced to be accepted. The Descendants is the promotion and celebration of all things evil, to be embraced as the new way. The motto of the film itself is ‘long live evil.’
Luciferian Theme Of The Movie
The Descendants part 2 is centered around the children of famous Disney villains such as Maleficent, Cruella De Vil and Captain Hook. Though the film plays like a normal Disney adventure, the message behind the film is what the creators want to last, long after the movie is over. Although there are many subtle messages meant for the subconscious mind, the most important messages actually happen to be the most obvious, and this is found in the official logo of the movie.

The main logo is a literal sum up of the entire film. It consist of a bitten apple with a serpent coiled around it. It does not take an Albert Einstein to know that this is an allusion to one of the most well known stories in the world, the story of Adam, Eve, and the serpent who is Satan.

The story of Adam and Eve goes hand and hand with forbidden fruit and the serpent
Gen2:15 The Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it. 16 And the Lord God commanded the man, “You are free to eat from any tree in the garden; 17 but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat from it you will certainly die.”
Gen3:6 When the woman saw that the fruit of the tree was good for food and pleasing to the eye, and also desirable for gaining wisdom, she took some and ate it. She also gave some to her husband, who was with her, and he ate it. 7 Then the eyes of both of them were opened, and they realized they were naked; so they sewed fig leaves together and made coverings for themselves.
Through deception and a twisted perversion of God’s command, Adam and Eve was tricked by the serpent into eating the forbidden fruit that God specifically forbade them to eat. Satan in the form of a serpent promised Eve that eating the fruit would ultimately grant them power to be god, believing that God was in some way withholding divine information. Through the enticement of self-gratification, Adam and Eve chose to disobey their creator and embrace the lie of Satan, symbolically saying that man can serve as the final authority of God. It is for this reason that sin and a fallen humanity came to be. What God called evil, Satan called good, and it is this very twisted perversion of good and evil that the movie seeks to promote. So, from the very jump, the movie subtly says to embrace the doctrine of Satan. This is of the utmost importance in the occult which the world elite belong to. We haven’t even gotten to the movie yet, and this is only the beginning of a satanic enticement theme that literally last the entire movie.

The theme song to the Disney film is “Rotten To The Core”(another subtle shot at the forbidden fruit). Here are some of the lyrics:
They say I’m trouble
They say I’m bad
They say I’m evil
And that makes me glad
Mirror, mirror on the wall
Who’s the baddest of them all
Welcome to my wicked world, wicked world
I’m rotten to the core, core
Rotten to the core
I’m rotten to the core, core
Who could ask for more
I’m nothing like the kid next, like the kid next door
I’m rotten to the, I’m rotten to the
I’m rotten to the core
While those are lyrics that would sound weird coming out of any child’s mouth, what’s more interesting is the video itself. In the beginning we see the words “long live evil” being spray painted in reverse. Tying into the satanic theme of the movie, the law of reversal is well known in the occult and was thoroughly taught by foremost and most influential satanist Aleister Crowley as a way to obtain more demonic power:
“Those who want fame, power, spell-casting abilities, demons at their beck and call, and to recognize the godhead within, as well as to know the past, present, and future, he extolled to his apt students, must consistently, with intensity, practice talking (reverse speech), walking, thinking, and playing phonograph records, backwards. This is a form of divination, and we are warned against this in the Holy Bible.”-Aleister Crowley

In one scene the main character begins to hand out “apples” to all of her classmates, again, a subtle way of telling children to embrace satanism or, “do what thou wilt.”

In the video ways to be wicked, it begins with the group casting a spell around a witch’s cauldron. The occult is not to be toyed with as it opens real doors to the spiritual world where demons manifest. Some of the lyrics particularly stood out to me in the song:
Apple apple
Dip dip
Wanna try it?
Tick tick
Take a bite
C’mon be bold
Change the way the story’s told
Notice how the emphasis is to “change the way the story’s told.” Well the story ended with Adam putting on a sinful nature and bringing death into the world just like God said. So what is the reverse of that? Satan promised Eve that if she ate the forbidden fruit, she would be as “god” and would not die.
Gen3:4 “You will not certainly die,” the serpent said to the woman. 5 “For God knows that when you eat from it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.”
In essence, they are trying to indeed reverse the story’s narrative. If man is is own god, then he has no accountability and can “do what thou wilt”, or continue to be “wicked” without any consequences.
The next scene goes even further than this. After giving all children and teachers the forbidden fruit to eat(indoctrination), they go outside to erect a statue of “beast” from Beauty And The Beast. Get it? Erect a statue of the beast? And all begin to dance around(praise) the statue.

This was no accident or coincidence. Out of all characters, why would they choose to build a statue of Beast? Just like any other satanic themes in the movie, this subtle detail was added in with the utmost clarity and precision and will probably go over most viewers heads. For those who don’t know, this is once again a direct reference to the antichrist in the book of Revelation:
“And deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the beast; saying to them that dwell on the earth, that they should make an image to the beast, which had the wound by a sword, and did live.
“And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed.” – Revelation 13:14-15.
One day, led by the fascination of occult rebellion, the entire world will worship the antichrist also known as “the beast” in Revelation. Initially an image(or statue) is built of the beast to be worshipped. The false prophet through occult power is able to “give life” unto this image which leads me to believe this will be an animated monument or most likely something of artificial intelligence such as an android. This will be the last and final years in human history, when literally the antichrist has world authority over every human on the planet. There will be only a chosen few who God separates through the salvation of Jesus Christ, that will not bow down to worship the image of the beast. This is called predictive programming, in which the mind is being programmed to prematurely accept things that has not been seen yet. Notice how everything eventually leads back to a satanic reference.
This is the war that we face daily. The battle for children has ran its course and in the final preparations has turned into a completely spiritual battle rather than physical. There are not enough parents in the home who are able to discern the very evils that they themselves allow their children to digest on a daily basis. This biggest evidence of this is that these videos have over 100 million views on YouTube already and it hasn’t even been out for 1 year. The occult elite of the world know that the sooner they have the hearts and minds of the children, the sooner a world kingdom can be established for the “beast.” This is why Jesus was so keen on protecting little ones “but Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven.”-Matthew 19:14
As guardians of those precious to us, let us continue to remember that a spiritual fight is not won through boycott, or lectures, but by praying and the spiritual Word of God.